“You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned”

“You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned”

Written by Webmaster

Topics: Movies

Yoda’s Jedi teaching in the following passage bears a striking resemblance to early American essayist, author and philosopher, Henry David Thoreau‘s, “It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know.”


The few minutes contained by the subject clip may encapsulate Yoda’s entire philosophy in two principles: First, the ability to learn something new lies only in one’s mind, opening one’s mind, and perhaps most importantly emptying and removing past obstacles and stereotypes. Second, that one must also make up their mind to do so – i.e., “Try not! Do, or do not!”


Luke Skywalker’s character in the Star Wars saga’s Empire Strikes Back (played by actor, Mark Hamill) finds Yoda’s skills both figuratively and literally, “unbelievable,” to which Yoda attributes his shortcomings – i.e., the fact that Luke does ‘not’ believe prevents him from achieving.


Luke, “I don’t believe it!”


Yoda, “That, is why you fail!”



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